Full Members of the Australian Directors' Guild are invited to attend the 2021 Annual General Meeting and to consider and vote on the following agenda items:
1. Minutes of the Previous Annual General Meeting in 2020;
2. Presentation of the 2021 Audited Accounts;
3. Report from the President;
4. Report from the CEO;
5. Other Business
Current ADG Directors:
- Samantha Lang (President) (NSW)
- Daina Reid (Secretary) (VIC)
- Stephen Wallace (Treasurer) (NSW)
- Anna Broinowski (Vice President Documentary) (NSW)
- Pearl Tan (Vice President New Media (NSW)
- Nadia Tass (Vice-President Feature Film) (VIC)
- Jonathan Brough (Vice President Television Drama) (VIC)
- Rowan Woods (Ordinary Director)(NSW)
Meeting will be held Via Zoom Video Conference:
Topic: ADG AGM Zoom - Rescheduled from 23rd Nov
Time: Dec 10, 2021 11:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 4196 7231
Passcode: 110487
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Meeting ID: 936 4196 7231
Passcode: 110487
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Minutes of the 2020 AGM and 2021 Audited Accounts are available to Full ADG Members.
Please email the ADG office at if you wish us to send you any of these documents prior to the AGM.
Members planning to attend are encouraged to email an RSVP to with the subject: AGM RSVP