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Make it Australian campaign

04/10/2021 2:54 PM | Anonymous member

The Australian screen industry has led the way in getting back to work and rebuilding the national economy during the pandemic. But the government announced changes to tax incentives last year that will make it much harder for certain genres to be financed and it relaxed content rules for traditional TV platforms which will lead to fewer productions across the board and most alarmingly, there is now no regulatory obligation for any Australian commercial TV station to produce or show Australian children’s content. Documentary has been undervalued in these changes too. Screen Producers Australia modelling estimates an overall annual decline in production from this partial deregulation of $100m.

The ADG and other guilds took to Canberra in March under the Make It Australian banner demanding government reconsider its position and that it also looked to ensure the big streamers made a fair contribution to Australian stories by regulating their levels of investment in Australian content. Read more here. 

Whilst this united advocacy ultimately lead to the government walking back its decision to reduce the feature film offset and its decision to halve PAY TV’s obligation for new Australian drama, the government still plans to move forward with other detrimental offset reforms and is slow in implementing obligations on the streamers in spite of their incredible growth in reach and influence.

According to Deloitte’s latest Media Consumer Survey, four out of five Australian households now have at least one digital entertainment subscription, most have more than two, with an estimated 70 per cent of Australians subscribing to at least one SVOD service. Research from Kantar found a staggering 1.4million Australian households added at least one new video subscription service in the three months to June 2021.

We want to see a robust and sustainable Australian screen industry and we want to see high-quality, commercially viable and internationally competitive Australian content on ALL our screens. It is vital that Australians continue to see themselves and their stories on the platforms they are flocking to, and to secure a stable future for the industry that creates and makes that content.

The government issued a Green Paper on a number of proposed media reforms including regulation of streamers and our full submission can be found here. 

Our submission included the following proposed reforms:

  1. Streamers to be required to reinvest 20% of their Australian-sourced revenue into commissioning new Australian content. 
  2. The investment obligation should apply to all types of SVOD, AVOD and broadcaster video-on-demand (BVOD) services with no exemption for services owned by a corporate structure that also owns a broadcasting licence. 
  3. Eligible service providers must comply with genre sub-quotas for drama, children’s television and documentary and these quotas must come with promotion and discoverability requirements. 
  4. Eligible service providers should be required to spend 80% of their expenditure obligation on the local independent sector. 
  5. An increase in the direct funding of the public broadcasters who have been left with the sole responsibility of programming vulnerable genres such as children’s television for local audiences. 
  6. Regulation of the streaming platforms to be implemented by 1 January 2022.


  • The ADG is proud to be working with Screen Canberra, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Screen NSW and the ACT Government's Office of LGBTIQA+ Affairs to launch the +SCREEN STORIES Mentorship Program - a comprehensive 3-month mentorship for LGBTIQA+ screen storytellers.

  • This bespoke program is being created by esteemed UTS academic Dr Natalie Krikowa. It is a transformative initiative designed to build a dynamic, intergenerational, interdisciplinary network of support and shared expertise within the LGBTIQA+ screen community. This program will uniquely cater to a diverse group of LGBTIQA+ filmmakers, screen storytellers, and game makers. It will provide tailored guidance and support that respects and celebrates their unique identities and experiences.

    The program will start with the +SCREEN STORIES Symposium and Networking Party on 7 November for all storytellers, followed by an upskilling day at the National Film and Sound Archive on 8 November 2024 to kick off a 3-month mentorship and support program for eligible practitioners.

    Mentors already attached to the program include director Fadia Abboud, writer/directors Julie Kalceff, Alistair Baldwin, AP Pobjoy and Monica Zanetti, writer Martine Delaney, producers Mitchell Stanley, Rosie Lourde and Hannah Ngo, DOP Erika Addis, editors Elliot Magen and Deb Peart, documentarians Dena Curtis and Sam Matthews, and leading game makers.

    This opportunity is currently available to:

    • 10 ACT-based screen practitioners from the LGBTIQA+ community across disciplines
    • 3 NSW-based screen practitioners from the LGBTIQA+ community across disciplines, with Screen NSW providing up to $800 in travel support to each recipient
    • 2 ADG members from the LGBTIQA+ community from across Australia.

    +SCREEN STORIES Upskilling Workshop & Mentor Program

    Workshop 8 November 2024 (by application): Applications are now open for the upskilling workshop and mentorship program and close at midnight AEST on 20 October 2024. LGBTIQA+ people from all intersecting historically excluded communities, especially those based in regional areas, are strongly encouraged to apply. To apply, please visit:

    +SCREEN STORIES Symposium & Networking Party

    +SCREEN STORIES Symposium and Networking Party on 7 November 2024 will be open to all storytellers, with a speaker line up to be announced shortly. Tickets are available now via